Our Opus 2, of 16 stops and 18 ranks, was commissioned in late 2018 by St. Dunstan's to replace a failing second-hand pipe organ installed by church members into what was originally intended to be the church hall. After a thorough process, the church’s organ committee elected to commission a fine electric action organ to complement the rich collection of mechanical action instruments in the greater Seattle area.
The Great and Pedal divisions are housed in a freestanding case of quartersawn red oak, placed front and center in the church. The Swell division is housed behind the upper case, in the former attic above the sacristy. Variable pipe scaling for the two choruses was employed to meet the acoustical demands of the relatively small room. Each pipe is voiced to produce beautiful, unforced tone, both in solo and ensemble registrations. All new principals and flutes are of 94% lead, save the Swell Principal of spotted metal. The Stopped Diapason is a generously-scaled wooden stop. The facade pipes, as well as interior 8' basses and strings are of 50% polished spotted metal. Pipework was supplied by Russell & Company, Shires Organ Pipes, and Organ Supply Industries. Jonathan Ortloff voiced all flue pipes; reeds were voiced by Christopher Broome. The Great and Pedal speak on 3" wind pressure; the Swell flues speak on 3.5" pressure, and the reeds 5".
Shop construction began in early 2019, and the organ was delivered and installed in August, 2020. Tonal finishing was completed in October, with assistance from voicer Duane Prill.
Photos from the construction and installation can be seen in our Facebook album, here.
Sound Files:
Dupré - Variations sur un Noël - Michael Kleinschmidt, organist
Harris - Solemn Procession - Susanna Valleau, organist
We are very happy with our new Ortloff organ and I can now say that it has exceeded our hopes. When we started talking to organ builders, we were hoping to find an instrument that would support worship with a broad range of musical styles. The thing that stood out in the proposal from Ortloff was that they so clearly understood the organ’s role in worship: that sometimes it has a staring role while at other times it needs to support what is going on without demanding attention.
In the Ortloff Organ Company we got great people and an excellent instrument that supports our worship in all of its expressions.
- The Rev. David Marshall, Rector
Great 16 Bourdon (Pedal/Swell) Tremolo
Swell 16 Bourdon (Extension, tenor C) Tremolo Swell 16
Pedal 16 Bourdon